5 Tips for easy meditation to de-stress from the daily grind

Meditation is one of the fastest ways to literally change your physiology and get yourself a re-fresh during the day, but it seems like so much work, right? Here are my 5 tips to do meditation in just minutes to de-stress from the daily grind.

The zen like qualities of a cup of tea are astounding. I like to sit quietly in a dim lit room at the end of a long day with a cup of super hot camomile tea and just think … reflect, figure out the next day’s plan, do some mental organization and finally meditate.

To mediate, I close my eyes and breath in the steamy air, I feel the sensation of the hot and cold portions of the tea cup, I smell the light aroma and just let my mind focus on each sensation for a few minutes before thinking of the next. The whole process may only take about 10-15minutes. I have two Little’s after all and when mommy disappears for too long, … need I say more. This seemly simple task is what keeps me feeling rejuvenated and alert. So much so that if I forget or don’t commit the time, I not only miss it, but I can feel the withdrawal. Mediation allows me to do all of the business, child care, dog care, tasks, errands, daily maintenance and chores that occurs each and every day.

1) Set a timer so that you do not have to keep checking a watch. Getting into medication can be tricky at first, start slow. Set a 5 or 10 minute timer and just think about non-emotional thoughts so that you can get used to your new routine.  Your body and mind can enjoy the pattern of your new hobby.

2) Create a dedicated space for your meditation. This can be a workout space, a closet, bedroom, balcony or deck, a living room … you get the idea, but make sure it is quiet and nothing can distract your from your mind’s focus. Try to avoid spaces that you usually do tasks or work in so that you can actually stick to your mediation instead of slipping into a work pattern.

3) Dim the lights to reduce the amount of glaring light. Bright sunshine is wonderful, but I find a darker space lets me slip into a more focused, tranquil mindset.

4) Play music or sounds. Nothing says concentrate like lyric free music. It can also help set up your meditation. Sometimes I will focus on the music notes themselves if I am having trouble staying focused. The music allows me to let go of stresses and daily tasks and once my mind is free from clutter I can begin channeling my thoughts.

5) Give you meditation a daily focus. I find that I get the best results if I want to just focus on a singular objective like clearing a stress or manifesting a feeling.

Have you ever tried meditation? If not, here is a wonderful link that can explain how to do it and all of the incredible benefits: visit the Art of Living  I always thought it was sort of goofy, but once I started focusing I found I really enjoy meditation. Give it a try; I truly believe you’ll be surprised and enjoy the results. Benefits include:
-Lowers high blood pressure
-Lowers anxiety
-Decreases tension
-Increases serotonin production
-Improves immune system
-Increase energy

It may seem like a slow start, but if you try these and make them a habit the benefits are well worth the wait.