3 Steps To Access Your Mind & Make Lasting Change


Hi and welcome to a brand new year! Let’s start it out right with 3 easy to apply steps to access your mind and make lasting change. What if you could easily make a shift in your own mind that could help you or aid you in not only getting what you want, but also make a change so that you can move forward and literally leave behind whatever does not serve you? If you are still with me, take a moment to watch the video I made for full details.

1. ‘I statements’

Step 1, is to say something in the form of an I statement like it is already a fact. For example, I love workouts, I love spinach, I enjoy hiking. If saying this sounds too far off from your version of truth. So try to give yourself a little step up without going for the full accomplishment. For example, I am worthy of a promotion. I deserve success. I allow myself to receive abundance. Instead of just saying I am rich. That way your core belief wont contradict you and make you feel like a liar. This is a little way of getting past the initial disbelief of the thing you are trying to achieve yet it still keeps your statement in the form of an I statement that has a realm of possibility in your current state.

If you would like to watch the video I made on this topic click here.

2. Visualization

You can visualize in two ways, a) just daydream and thinking about the things you want to achieve, OR b) watch it like a movie. Sit down and watch yourself in a movie theater in your mind and then start to watch a movie of yourself doing the future that you want to see or achieve. This is a work-around in your brain. You get the brain to trigger off your synapse connections and create the writing in your brain that this is a possibility.  When you see yourself doing the activity or achievement then your brain will think “yes, I can do that!”

3. Feel all the feels!

The last part that wraps it all together with a big fat bow is to actaully feel all the feelings of what it would be like to achieve this goals that you want. Just like watching a good movie that makes you tear up, you want to get all the good feelings to rise to the surface and make themselves known to you now. So you can create a mind | body | spirit alignment and get your brain to synchronize on the fact that this event or activity is truly achievable. Feelings make it real to your brain. Your unconscious mind is fueled by emotions so let loose.