How to stay motivated as a business women is one of the most common question I hear when people find out I’m self employed. Well, I’ll tell you the answer is inspiration … and knowing that “The only voice you need to hear is your own.” -Sasha Reinke
Just remember that no one else knows what you know. No one else understands what you understand. You are completely individual and unique. So when you start to listen to others those voices become your own inner voice. The only voice you need to hear is your own.
Here are my top 5 tips for success …
Say NO!
Listen to that inner voice. You know the one that tells you when something is a good or bad idea. More often than not you find yourself at odds with that little voice. Someone asks you to do something and your inner voice says “NO! You are already busy.” but the guilt side of you says “ok, I guess I can manage one more thing.” STOP doing that NOW! You officially have permission to stop saying yes to everything and start saying no. Look at any 2 year old and you’ll see what you are missing out on. Saying NO gives you your time back. Saying NO allows you to re-gain control of your own life. Saying NO allows you to choose what you do with your work and play time. Eat well.
Eat Brain Food
If you don’t have enough brain food you will never manage to make it though the day let alone stay motivated. Keep something healthy that nourishes your brain that is high in Omega’s such as walnuts, avocado, mixed nuts, peanut butter or a multivitamin.
Stay Hydrated
It is amazing how many things we can go without and water is not one of them. If you are dehydrated your body will literally slip into a state of lethargy in order to preserve what precious water you have left. Keep drinking water thought your day to prevent this state of waking comatose.
Make A Vision Board
This is literally a game changer. Even if you don’t believe in manifesting your future; a vision board will act as a visual reminder to get you focused on your end-game goal. If you want to learn how to make your own Digital Vision Board check out my other blog post.
Limit The Sugar
I used to be a major sugar consumer and once I was able to kick that habit I felt so much better! Seriously, if you use sweets to get your energy boost you are not only hurting your blood sugar metabolism long term, but you are robbing yourself of feeling great all the time. To get rid of this habit I suggest making a simple daily checklist to see your progress. First, find a yummy alternative like peanut butter (no jelly) or avocado, pickles, olives or anything that will satisfy your immediate hunger, but keep your blood sugar stable. Next, check off each day you successfully don’t eat sugar. After 1month you will see major improvements to your brain power. Finally, reward yourself with something fun, but not sugary. For example you can pick out a special tea or opt for dark chocolate.