L ets start out addressing the ELEPHANT in the room … you only have so many hours in a day. Actually you have between 930-950 minutes in a single day to get stuff done. See the image from Statista.com below. How you do you make the most of these hours? Here are 3 ways to get more out of you time in a day.
1. stop worrying about time
It sounds counter intuitive, but the more time you spend thinking about what could happening in the future vs what has already happened in the past wastes a lot of time. Instead, practice mindfulness and get yourself on-track for peak energy in the present moment. You waste a lot of valuable energy worrying. Free it up and get more motivated in the process.

2. practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness can help you get more out of each day by centering your attention on the now. Studies show that it can increase performance. High level athletes and Fortune 500 expects all boast mindfulness as a tool to get ahead in life. Isn’t it time you started using this free and easy mindset strategy?
To do it, start to draw your attention to the present moment. You can start with picking 5 things you can see, then 5 things you can hear and finally 5 things you can feel. This is mindfulness. Easy, right!
3. Meditate Daily
Meditation is another free way to boost your energy. It may seem all loosely-goosy, but the scientific research is in. It actually decreases gray matter in the brain, which in turn helps your brain work better, function faster and you stay healthier longer. WIN / WIN
If you would like to know more about how to TAKE BACK YOUR TIME check out my Mindset Bundle available for only $30 bucks! Your time is worth it. Click the image to be whisked away and learn more about the bundle.