
  • 12 Self improvement Books That Help for small BUSINESS owners

    Do you love a good self help book? Me too! I personally have my fair share and I love using highlighters, pens and markers to underline, circle and highlight sections that I find really moving or inspirational. Here is a list of my favorite 12 self help books that actually help! Enjoy! 1. Breaking The […]

  • Stress Releasing Rituals + business Anxiety Reducing Tools

    In This video round up I share some a few easy stress reducing rituals as well as my spring 2020 anxiety and stress reduction tool reviews. Including, blue light glasses for eye strain, grounding sheet for back and neck pain relief, color therapy glasses review and which ones to avoid. Plus, 3 fast and easy […]

  • quickly stop self sabotage as a small business owner

    3 Steps To Access Your Mind & Make Lasting Change   Hi and welcome to a brand new year! Let’s start it out right with 3 easy to apply steps to access your mind and make lasting change. What if you could easily make a shift in your own mind that could help you or […]

  • protocol how to stay motivated and not quit

    I love failure! Because for every time I got on stage and stunk, for every activity I tried and sucked at or for each time I attempted something new and got my junk handed to me I tried. And because I tried I have a lot of fun memories that are actually really funny that […]