Do you walk into your bedroom and think, “Ah, I love being in here.” Or Do you walk into your bedroom and say, “Arg, this room is a mess!” If your answer was the later, then keep reading.

Here is my 6 STEP Process to a ZEN-like Bedroom Sanctuary +  12 elements for a fabulous and tranquil bedroom.

But first … why would we even want a ZEN-like bedroom?

The answer, to get better rest, of course. If you answered the opening question as a yes then your bedroom is probably in need of some re-structuring.

Think about it, this is the last place we see at night and the first place we see when opening out eyes. If your brain is busy thinking about what a mess it is, how much you don’t like it, the laundry in the corner or where you put (fill in blank) then your brain is not really resting, is it.

If your bedroom is a welcoming, clean and relaxing space then your brain can feel all of those feelings easily. Without struggle or resistance.

So let’s dive into this will arms open wide and do some Marie Kondo-ing of your bedroom. You and your space deserve it.

First, I like to create a wish list board. Everything that I want or like so that I can find them OR  create it for my own space. Pinterest is great for this! So after I curate all of my ideas I start to look around for stuff in my own home. I try to re-purpose as much as I can. Our bedroom used to be a terrible, harsh blue … see images below and when I decided it was time for a tranquil change I chose a soft feather gray with a light cloud sky blue as a racing stripe (as my husband calls it) around the top 18 inches from the ceiling down. Then we wrapped the whole room in a trim to accentuate the blue and gray and give it a polished look. Overall, the room now makes me feel like I just walked into a hotel suite. AND that, was my goal! (Insert excited laughing here).

You can literally feel whatever you want to feel each and every day.  Just go withing with mindfulness and mediation. However, when you open  your eyes and you still hate the space you are in then it is time for some physical alterations to catch up with your mental intentions.

The Universe LOVES action! So start taking some action today. If you want to experience a tranquil spa each morning … get to it in your bathroom. If you want to feel like you just woke up in a 5-star hotel suite then make it happen. You can make the choice and you can feel the feeling, now. You don’t have to wait.

So it’s natural to say that your bedroom is literally the one place you should feel the most comfortable. For obvious reason … you have to be able to fall asleep in it, right? Then why do so many of us have poorly lit, badly designed and overly stuffed spaces? Here is my bedroom picture before I put into place my principals on each room in my home.  These principals have helped me de-clutter, organize and create a lasting design that feels good year after year. My bedroom was dark and overly cramped. I think my dogs were the only ones really relaxing in it. I definitely didn’t have a space to put anything let alone organize it. So I took everything out and started from scratch.

Take a look at the graphic below and then move onto the 6 STEPS.

Whatever the room, keep these 12 elements in mind …

My 6 STEP Process:

(1) whatever lives in your room must have a place. Don’t put stuff in your bedroom and expect it to organize itself. Just putting things in drawers will only lead to an overly stuffed, hard to open drawer. I like to bring in things that have multiple purposes: baskets, stack-able boxes, shelves, hooks or door hangers can all serve both a beautiful and functional purpose in a space.

Next I pick a color,

(2) use colors that soothe your soul. Close your eyes and think of a space you find relaxing, peaceful, happy and soothing … take colors from that space to paint your walls. If you thought of a garden with tulips then use that as your color palette. What if you thought of a mountain or forest; great. Those are the colors that calm you and that is your ultimate goal for your bedroom.


(3) I transition to artwork. I try to find natural elements for the bedroom or a space that needs to have an element of tranquility. For me, I love rocky beaches with an endless assortment of sticks, shells and rocks to explore and collect. So I chose a beach wrapped canvas to bring in those zen-like elements.

Moving onto decorations …

(4) I love to decorate and this is where I have learned to reassess my need for things and keep to a seasonal theme.

I change up my decorations with the change of the seasons so that I don’t get board and buy more stuff. Adding candles, incense, crystals, massage oils and more can be fun, but I’ve noticed that is started to add-to-itself and things start to collect. So now I limit to only 3 – 5 things on any given surface. It also makes the room feel more luxurious … less is more in this case.

Overall, it needs to fit in with the theme of your room. I have an apothecary jar filled with shells I’ve collected or have been given. I also keep a few nightstand trinkets and a book I’m reading with jewelry dish.


(5) is an essential part of any room, but I don’t like to work with it early on; mostly because I find myself changing my mind and having to remove a light that doesn’t work with my design once I start making progress. Have fun with this. A unique or repurposed piece from an antique or thrift store is a statement piece you’ll love for years.

Finally, we reach number

(6) is working with textiles. The final touch on the windows, chairs, pillows and of course bedding. Go back to your color pallet and really hone in what you love most and makes you the most relaxed about your choices of paint. Then find individual textiles for throw pillows and drapes or curtains. Keep in mind aesthetically, items in pairs or the odd number of sets (the rule of 3) works best because it won’t irritate the pattern recognition part of your brain.

Have you done to ZEN-out your home lately? Comment below …Do tell …

MY BEDROOM AFTER (very light + relaxed and airy)